Ireland | Galway

This is one of those shots that when I saw the proof sheet, it was exactly how I visualized the image when i took it on the street. Film’s delayed visual response means continual surprises, good and bad, which is such a vital part of the process.

Cartier-Bresson said that his proof sheets contain such garbage that he would not show them to anyone. Ansel Adams would speak of finishing the day’s work, carrying his gear back to his car on a four hour hike, wondering if he managed to get anything.

It is an image that does not get a very big response from people that have seen it, yet it remains a favorite.

Galway, Ireland, Nikon F5, 35-70mm, Kodak Tri-X © Doug Kim


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  • Hi Doug,

    I was introduced to your site by Todd Constantine. I loved this photo the moment I saw it as part of the Ireland gallery on your website. It was definitely one of my favorites from that set. I've tried to do this myself in the past, framing the subject very close to an edge with a large sky dominating the rest of the frame and appreciate how difficult it can be to get something that works this well.


    • Thanks, Emud. Yeah I took about four shots of these two gentlemen in Galway. Thankfully they were obliging as they just chatted away while I was not that far away on my knees on the sidewalk to get the proper angle.

      I have not had this one printed out in the darkroom yet but I know that it'll be amazing.
