Egypt | QKom al-Dik, Alexandria

This neighborhood’s name is associated with the massive archeological excavation uncovering Roman baths but it is also a normal residential neighborhood atop a somewhat hidden hill in the middle of Alexandria. I stumbled upon this neighborhood, was captivated by the friendliness in this warren of streets and then spent about two hours trying to get out of this hood and back into paved Alexandria proper.

Along the way, I found this gang of kids and their game of marbles. After the initial shock of seeing me in the street in front of their homes, they quickly got back to the business of play and ignored me.

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X

Alexandria, Egypt, February 2011; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X


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  • Fantastic shots. Kids seem to have fun in just about the same ways, no matter where they are. Thanks!