Muslim Brotherhood | Khairat al-Shater

It is only because of the recent election in Egypt and the preceding disqualification of the leading candidates that I discovered whom it was that I had photographed behind the stage at Tahrir Square in Cairo.

It had been two weeks after Mubarak had fell, the second Friday, a day full of celebrations and protests, the nation and the city still full of hope.

I had forced my way backstage to shoot some high level photos of Tahrir Square and some of the presenters. Al-Shater then appeared, due to speak later in the day. The crush around him was madding. I managed to only get this photo before opting for more breathing space.

For more on Khairat al-Shater, click here.

Khairat al-Shater, Muslim Brotherhood, Tahrir Square, Feb 2011, Cairoi; Leica MP 0.58, 35mm Summicron, Kodak Tri-X © Doug Kim
