Josef Koudelka

Josef Koudelka | Spain

The maximum, that is what has always interested me. - Josef Koudelka

7 years ago

Josef Koudelka | Italy

If I am dissatisfied, it’s simply because good photos are few and far between. A good photo is a miracle.…

7 years ago

Josef Koudelka | Gypsies

Finally. After 35 years, Koudelka's amazing Gypsies has been released in a new edition by Aperture. With 30 never before…

13 years ago

Cartier-Bresson, Kertész & Koudelka

Once, Henri [Cartier-Bresson] rang me in Paris and said, 'Josef, [André] Kertész is in town, you must come to dinner…

14 years ago

Josef Koudelka | Prague Spring

Josef Koudelka told Sean O'Hagan of the Guardian that it was a year after the Soviet invasion of Prague when…

15 years ago